Community Health Improvement Planning (CHIP) Processes

A Community Health Improvement Plan (or CHIP) is a long-term effort to improve the health of a community. The CHIP is based on the results of a community health assessment (CHA), which studies the health-related needs and strengths of a community. CHIPs aim to respond to CHA results, bring together resources and stakeholders, and create a shared framework for community health. CHIPs coordinate strategies between different sectors and stakeholders. These include health care systems and hospitals, health departments, local government, community-based organizations, businesses, and residents.

The Massachusetts Community Health and Healthy Aging Funds support the development and/or implementation of local and/or regional community health improvement planning processes.

Steps in Community Health Improvement Processes

Community Engagement. 1) Reflect and strategize. 2) Identify and engage stakeholders. 3) Define the community. 4) Collect and analyze data. 5) Prioritize community health issues. 6) Document and communicate results. 7) Plan implementation strategies. 8) Implementation strategies. 9) Evaluate progress.

Source: Adapted by HRiA from the Association for Community Health Improvement

Current CHIP Awardee Example

Below is an example of a current awardee’s CHIP approach

ExampleRandolph Community Wellness Plan Implementation
Lead PartnerTown of Randolph
The IssueRandolph residents bear a disproportionately high chronic disease burden relative to surrounding communities in the Metro Boston Area. MAPC’s regional analysis of six chronic diseases (obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart failure, asthma, and COPD) shows Randolph in the highest quintile across each of these health indicators. Randolph is also one of just five municipalities in Massachusetts for which 100% of its census block groups meet at least one of the Environmental Justice Population criteria, which means Randolph residents are more likely to face greater environmental risks and health burdens.
The SolutionDraw from the successes Randolph has had with project implementation previously and the Collective Impact Framework to implement a Community Wellness Plan (CWP). Successful, strategic implementation of the Randolph CWP will require:
1.       Sustained coordination capacity – Backbone Organization to supporting the overall infrastructure and facilitating coordination of the Collective Impact strategy.
2.       Capacity building and training – Multi-sectoral and representative collaboration and action
3.       Inclusive and representative leadership and participation – including representatives of priority identity groups, municipal leaders and staff, school representatives, religious institutions, and business and community organizations.
4.       Fundraising for implementation of priority recommendations and actions – Seek grant funding and other forms of investment,  implementing CWP recommendations and actions, particularly those related to much-needed health services, civic engagement and municipal leadership cultivation, healthy schools environments and policies, ensuring food security, addressing mental health, expanding park and recreational facilities, and improving the pedestrian safety and activity on Randolph’s streets and sidewalks, as examples.

System of shared metrics and process for tracking progress – The CWP establishes a baseline of current conditions, health priorities, health outcomes, and vision for a healthier Randolph.
Health Outcomes AddressedChronic disease
Social Determinants of Health AddressedBuilt environment; social environment; housing stability and affordability; health care services; supportive school environments
Root Causes of Health AddressedSystemic racism; ageism; xenophobia; poverty

CHIP Resources