About the Team

Seal of Massachusetts Department of Public Health

Massachusetts Department of Public Health
The Department of Public Health (DPH) is a state agency with a mission to prevent illness, injury, and premature death, to assure access to high quality public health and health care services, and to promote wellness and health equity for all people in the Commonwealth. The Bureau of Community Health & Prevention recognizes that systems of cultural oppression need to be acknowledged, repaired, and prevented by the entities that helped create them. The Bureau is committed to improving the quality of life for all Commonwealth residents while eliminating the marginalization and inequities that disproportionately threaten the lives of communities of color. 

MDPH oversees and makes the final decisions regarding the Massachusetts Community Health and Healthy Aging Funds with input from EOEA, HRiA, and the Advisory Committees. 

Executive Office of Elder Affairs Seal

Executive Office of Elder Affairs
The Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) promotes the independence, empowerment, and well-being of older adults, individuals with disabilities, and their caregivers.

EOEA provides guidance and expertise and helps makes decisions regarding the Healthy Aging Fund.

Health Resources in Action
Health Resources in Action (HRiA) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit public health organization located in Boston, serving public agencies, community-based organizations, health care providers, and foundations across the nation. Our mission is to help people live healthier lives and create healthy communities through prevention, health promotion, policy, and research.   

HRiA is the fiscal agent responsible for facilitating the planning and implementation of the Massachusetts Community Health and Healthy Aging Funds. 

Advisory Committees

The Advisory Committee provides recommendations for the operations of the MA Community Health & Healthy Aging Funds. Advisory Committee members represent a range of perspectives from across Massachusetts.  Advisory Committee members share the perspective of their community to inform the creation of grantmaking and processes that (1) support and reflect communities and (2) ultimately help to ensure all Massachusetts residents have an equitable opportunity to achieve the highest possible quality of life.  

Inaugural Massachusetts Community Health Fund Advisory Committee Members

Casey Burns
Peter Doliber
Cheryl L. Dukes
Geoff Foster
Elmer Freeman
Rachel Heller
Kim Hollon
Joe Kriesberg
Erin Liang
Tricia Pistone
Maddie Ribble
Cheryl Sbarra
Al Vega
Phoebe Walker

Coalition for a Healthy Greater Worcester
The Alliance of Massachusetts YMCAs
UMass Amherst College of Nursing
Center for Community Health Education, Research and Service
Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association
Massachusetts Council of Community Hospitals
Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporations
Massachusetts Health and Hospital Association
Montachusett Opportunity Council
Massachusetts Public Health Association
Coalition for Local Public Health
Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health
Franklin Regional Council of Governments

Inaugural Healthy Aging Fund Advisory Committee Members

Kathy Burnes
Elizabeth Dugan
Susan Gittelman
Phillip Gonzalez
Laura Kittross
Wendy Landman
Paddy Moore
Maura Moxley
Adriane Queiroz
Leah Serafin
Emily Shea
David Stevens
Dillon Sussman
Martha Velez

Jewish Family and Children’s Services
UMass Boston
B’nai B’rith Housing
Tufts Health Plan Foundation
Berkshire Regional Planning Commission
Healthy Aging Martha’s Vineyard
Alzheimer’s Association
City of Framingham
Old Colony YMCA
Commission on Affairs of the Elderly, City of Boston
Massachusetts Association of Councils on Aging
Dodson and Flinker
Lawrence Council on Aging

Review Committees

Review Committees 

Multi-disciplinary Review Committees will review applications. If you are interested in participating on the Review Committee, please contact [email protected].